Monday, February 25, 2013

Beyond confused, overwhelmed and angry

Wonderful AF decided to visit me 10min before walking out the door Saturday night for a girls night.  Of course, a few drinks made it much better. 

Today I went in for CD3 blood testing which apparently was never appropriately done.  I got 8 vials of blood taken, a lupron shot, and an ultrasound.  I'll go back tomorrow to see how I responded to the lupron.

Here is what I'm so lost about right now.  I really hope this is not rambling.  They will not give me any test results until everything is done then I'll have a follow up appointment with RE to go over everything.  The nurse said he wants too look at all factors before drawing any conclusion.  I agree with this.  However, my biopsy is not until April 11th and the follow up won't be until May.  So I have to wait all that time to see what the big picture is??!!!  That means 3 cycles at minimum of no treatment.  It's kind of sad to me.

Also, we were going over financial information and I don't understand insurance at all.  No matter how much it was explained to me I can not understand.  She told me that my insurance said I have a $900 deductible then they will pay 80% of testing.  I haven't had to pay for any testing last year so I don't understand if something has changed or what?  I guess I'm upset because I have always known that I pay 100% OOP for treatments, but I have never factored in paying for testing.  So now I guess the biopsy will be around 1k at least and who knows how much more.  I had to hold back tears driving home thinking about how pissed I am that all of us going through IF have to pay for this.  It's unfair.  It's so fucking unfair.



  1. Girl I know how ya feel. My insurance only covers finding out what's wrong (which to this point they dont see anything wrong) but no treatment what so ever and it so frustrating to know that if you had plenty of money to spend you more than likely could have a baby. It stinks! On the deductible the only thing I can think of is maybe because it's a new year and you haven't met your deductible?

    1. If only money fell out of the sky lol. I just don't remember paying a deductible last year so that's another reason I'm confused. grr!

    2. I haven't been back this year so I'm curious as well. I didn't pay one last time either but it was like August when I went. A lady I work with (same insurance) had someone tell her that she hadn't met her deductible I guess for tests or procedures which I thought was odd because we've never had to pay that before. It is so confusing!

  2. I'm so sorry. I know how frustrating everything is, and the added stress of having to pay out of pocket for things certainly doesn't help. I hate you have to wait so long to have another treatment cycle. Is there anyway you can get things moved up?

  3. You have to pay your deductible or meet your deductible? I went through this last year I had to meet my deductible (aka going to dr getting blood work ect) then everything was covered. It's all so confusing I hope it won't really cost you that much! IF. Sucks so much :-/ big hugs to you tonight!

  4. That really blows to have to wait so long to get information about anything!! As for the insurance, the deductible is a yearly thing and the max you will pay. So once you have reached $900 worth of testing, the insurance will cover 80% of whatever the testing procedures are. Last year you probably reached $900 early so that's why they covered your stuff. It also could be the RE you are seeing. Are they in-network? There are some testings though that could be 100% covered, for instance, all my bloodwork done at a certain location (Quest Diagnostics) were covered but none of my bloodwork at the RE was. That's because the RE sends out the blood to other labs to get results and they aren't covered 100% by my insurance.

    Hope that helped some.

    Again, I'm sorry you have to wait so long for answers. This is truly a test of patience and I hope that you get knocked up in between now and then so you don't have to continue testing and waiting!! Sending you lots of hugs <3

  5. I am angry/frustrated for you. I really hope that this will get you some answers in the mean time. I'm still praying for your miracle!!! <3 you!
