Tuesday, December 31, 2013

35 Weeks

We made it through the holidays!  I was so exhausted just from hosting Christmas at my house, putting up and taking down decorations, and having guests.  It all went great and I'm glad it's over now.  I'm hoping I'll have the month of January to just relax before the baby gets here.

Here is our family on Christmas:

Also, me at 35 weeks.  Kind of hard to see...

Baby feels like he is up in my ribs all the time now.  Sometimes he kicks and squirms so much it starts to get painful.  E has gotten a lot less freaked out about the baby moving now and even plays little games with him where he will tap on my belly and wait for Langston to kick back.  It's so stinking cute!  Nothing new to report really except I noticed I have a little linea negra now.  Thank goodness that goes away after pregnancy.

I have my first weekly appointment on January 9th. We will get our last ultrasound to make sure baby is head down and get an estimate on how big he is.  I'm feeling ready for him to be here and terrified of him being here all at the same time. 


Thursday, December 19, 2013

33 Weeks

This past Thursday I had my regular OB appointment.  My ute is measuring just a little bit big, but nothing to even think twice about.  We talked about how she will most likely not be the doctor delivering Langston.  I knew this was a possibility since we are in a group practice, but I think I was in denial about it.  Because now I'm freaking out thinking about another doctor coming in and being pushy or not respecting my birth plan.  E said not to worry he will control the situation, but I guess we will just see when we get there.  Ugh.  Our next appointment is January 9th where we will also have an ultrasound to make sure he is head down and how big he is.  We will then start having weekly appointments!!  Ahh!! He is going to be here so soon!!

I have been doing a little organization, decorating and packing in the nursery everyday.  I swear I pack and repack his hospital bag a million times.  I still need to wash his clothes for the hospital, but besides that he is ready to go!  I've become a little obsessive with organizing his nursery over and over again too.  I will for sure post pics of his nursery as soon as his changing table comes in during Christmas.

I have looked at  a lot of lists, but I would love suggestions on what to pack for myself for the hospital too.  I don't want to over pack like I do for everything, but I don't want to be there needing something from home either.  What did you girls take?


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

32 Weeks and Nashville Baby Shower

32 Weeks

I don't have much to update on my pregnancy for this week.  Pretty much more of the same.  That ligament that runs down to my private area is still hurting and I'm thinking it probably will until after I have him.  Also lately my belly is hurting.  It's hard to describe the pain except that I can't tell if it's skin stretching or fine muscles and ligaments stretching right under the skin.  The pain is right above my belly button and does feel a little better if I massage it a bit. 
We see my OB on Thursday just for a regular check up.  I think the next time we see her around 36 weeks I will be getting another ultrasound to see how big the baby is.  I'm praying he is normal size and there will be no reason to schedule an induction.
So this weekend two of my best friends hosted an amazing baby shower for me!  It was exactly what I wanted being small, cozy, and thoughtful.  Here are a ton of pics!
Two of my friends.  The one on the left is due March 15th!




Tuesday, December 3, 2013

31 Weeks

Long time no blog!  I honestly have no clue why I haven't blogged in so long.  I'm so sorry ladies, and I'm going to try to catch up with all of you this week!

I am now 31 weeks!! What?!  Where has the time gone?  And I know the next two months are going to fly by.

Here is a pic of me from 30 weeks bare belly and all haha! 

Last time I was on here I was letting you all know I had found out I have gestational diabetes.  Well, it's really not as bad as I thought it would be.  I started out testing my blood sugar 6 times a day, but since it's doing well I only test 4 times a day now.  It's very easy to keep my levels controlled unless I splurge a little.  As long as my levels are controlled, I am no different from any other pregnant chica.  Thank goodness!  My diabetes doctor also wants me to work out regularly which wasn't a problem before, but the last few weeks I have been overly exhausted and having quite a lot of ligament pain in my lady bits area.  So I've just been taking it easy.

I guess the best part of being on this diet is that I've only gained 10lbs so far which I never in a million years thought I would be able to do during pregnancy.  I fully expected to gain like 50lbs lol.  And so far no stretch marks (knock on wood).

A month ago my mom hosted my Missouri baby shower which I'll do another post of pics of that.  It was great!  I have my Nashville shower this weekend and I'm super excited about that as well.

We finally named our kid.  His name is Langston Lee.  Lee is mine, my mom's, and my dad's middle name so I wanted to carry on something from my side of the family too.  Langston is just something E and I came up with and we love it!  Once the name was settled I was able to buy his coming home outfit:

I know it will be cold when he is coming home so I also bought little white leggings to go underneath this.

Sorry this post was all over the place, but I had so much to update y'all on!
