Wednesday, June 26, 2013

8weeks 3days

Some weeks it is just so hard for me to get around to the chalkboard pic.  I'm just so exhausted 80% of the time.  So exhausted I have no energy to put on makeup.  I look rough.   But here it is:

This week was just more of the same.  Exhaustion, nausea, sore boobs, bloated, and one I haven't talked about acne.  Yes after all the years I had acne, I had finally gotten my skin perfectly clear right before I got pregnant.  Now I have broken out like crazy!!  I stopped using Proactive just because I'm not sure about the ingredients and I don't want to chance it.  So I've been using Burt's Bees Face Wash for sensitive skin.  Not working.  It's awful!  So yesterday I finally ordered Belli's Anti-Blemish Facial Wash.  It should be here in a few days and I will let you know what I think.  If you have suggestions on this or another product I should try I would love to hear them!

Also, while I'm talking pregnancy products I have been using Mama Mio's Tummy Rub Butter for the past couple of weeks.  I really do love this stuff!  It feels great and smells even better.  Now do I think it will keep me from stretch marks?  Not so sure.  I'm leaning more on genetics for that gift, but it really can't hurt.  Plus my skin has been so dry this feels great!

That is all for today girls.  Hope you have a great week!!


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ultrasound #2

Today marks one of the best days of my life thus far.  I again felt like I was going to poop my pants getting ready for my ultrasound today.  I was more excited than nervous though so I guess that was a good sign.

Liz, my u/s tech and will always be the tech through this entire pregnancy, immediately said "I see the cute little baby!" as soon as she started poking around in there.  That made me feel so much better because last time she was quiet for soooo long!  She took a bunch of measurements and really put the pressure on me while trying to find my left ovary.  After all that she turned the screen to see and I was amazed how much bigger the baby looked.  We also saw the heartbeat just pumping away really strong and big!!!  Baby's heartbeat was 152bpm!!!  My heart felt like it was racing just as fast lol.  I then erupted into half maniac laughing and crying at the same time.  I was a little delirious with this new sense of happiness and love I have all of a sudden. 

Introducing Baby L!!

We went to see my RE afterwards and she said I was measuring right on track.  She said everything looks perfect and to have a great pregnancy!  We are official RE graduates!!  I for real never thought this day would come.  We have our first OB appointment on July 10th and we will have another u/s on that appointment.

I could not be happier than I am today, that is until the day comes I see Baby L's face.


Monday, June 17, 2013

7weeks 1day

*I wanted to address something before I move on to this post.  It looks like this blog is shifting into a full time pregnancy blog.  For all my girls still waiting for your BFP, I will totally understand if you need to unsubscribe or just hide me from here on out.  I've been there and I know even when you really like someone and are happy for them sometimes it's just too much.  I just want you to know I am always praying for you and thinking of you all.  I love you all!!

Only a few more days until I get to see baby!!  We go in for our 2nd ultrasound on Thursday and I am so excited!  I'm praying there is a strong little heartbeat for us to hear.

This past week the morning sickness has really kicked in.  I have only thrown up twice, but I'm pretty much nauseous all day long.  E and I went to the Pea in the Pod and bought Preggie Pops which I am now convinced is just a placebo effect for most since I couldn't tell they helped at all.  I haven't found anything that helps yet, so I'm just pushing through it for now.  Breasts are still really sore and I'm still pretty tired most of the time.  I hope these are all good signs that everything is okay with baby!

Here is a pic for 7 weeks:

I will for sure be updating on Thursday after our ultrasound.  If you could spare any prayers or good vibes for my upcoming appointment I would greatly appreciate it.

Hope you have a great day!!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6weeks 3days

So I'm about three days late on this one, but oh well.  I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be counting weeks based on my LMP or what the baby is measuring.  For now I'll stick with the date from my LMP until someone tells me otherwise.

The way I look in this pic pretty much sums up how I feel.  I am exhausted, nauseous, bloated, and my boobs hate me.  I have no energy to do anything it seems!  I'm thankful for each and every symptom I get though.  If you love me you won't judge me without makeup here lol

I'm so anxious for next Thursday!  I'm just praying everyday that when we go in there will be a strong heartbeat!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

First Ultrasound

We just got back from our first ultrasound and I wanted to give y'all a little update.  First we went to the ultrasound tech who told me most likely she wouldn't be able to even see a sac this early, umm what?  From all the research I did I knew there should be a visible sac.  So she inserts the dildo cam and pokes around for what felt like forever saying nothing to me.  My mind was panicked with "is she not finding anything", "is it in a tube", and every other horrible scenario.  Finally she turned the tv and showed me the gestational sac and a perfect little yolk sac!

Then we walk across the hall so my RE could give us the run down on the u/s.  She said I was measuring at about 5 weeks exactly which is pretty consistent of when I think I might have O'd.  She said everything looked perfect to her. 

Here is the thing I'm a little freaked out about.  She said I have a 15mm cyst on my left ovary.  It's producing progesterone so she said it is actually helping me, but that I need to take it easy and not lift anything to make sure it doesn't burst.  So what the hell happens if it bursts?!?!

I go back in two weeks to see the heartbeat and meet with my RE for the last time!!  She already scheduled my appointment with my new OB because she told me she is sure she will be releasing me in after this next ultrasound!!  So June 20th next u/s then July 10th first OB appointment.  I'm so freaking happy right now :)


Monday, June 3, 2013

5 Weeks

These weeks are seriously dragging by right now!  We have our first ultrasound on Thursday at 8am and I am so excited/nervous/I don't know what.  I will only be 5w4d based on my LMP, but I actually think the baby will measure a little smaller since I think I O'd later.  They have already informed me that they will just have me come back the next week if they can't find a heartbeat at this one.  Either way, I guess it will be nice to know the baby is in the right place and measuring right.  Again, prayers are greatly appreciated right now!

Okay, so we started this a little early, but I'm excited and couldn't help it :)

So far my symptoms are that my boobs are killing me, I'm always tired, and I was having slight waves of very mild nausea that have seemed to go away the past few days.  Oh yeah, and that lovely bloat bump I'm sporting.  Maybe I've always had myself a little fat bump, but now that I am focusing on my belly each week it's become even more noticeable lol. 

Right now it is killing me not to tell my best friend what is going on.  When I talk to her she mentions my IF treatments and thinks I'm doing an IUI this cycle.  I hate lying and I'm super bad at it.  But, E does not want to tell anyone except our parents until closer to 12 weeks so I have to respect his wishes.  He agrees telling her and maybe his best friend at 9 weeks is ok. I guess we will see.

The anxiety has gotten so much better!  I decided to stop testing and stay away from the forums as much as possible for now.  Just changing those things has helped a ton.  I still feel pretty confident that this baby will be coming home with us in February, but of course that little voice in the back of my head is still there.  I'll be glad when we get a little farther along and hopefully that voice will disappear.
