Monday, January 14, 2013


Today is CD16 and 4DPO.  Nothing new to report except I swear every month around this time I get little twinges in what I think is my ute.  No I do not think this is implantation (I've been at this too long to be naive)  I'm just curious what is going on in there.  I have this fear that my lining is already starting to break down this early and that is what I'm feeling.  I'm sure it's nothing.  I've had a lot more creamy CM than usual.  I almost feel like I'm starting AF, yeah that's what it feels like....gross.

I'm still testing out my trigger and it is getting a lot lighter:

In other news, I lost 8lbs and then fell off the wagon on Saturday.  I'm still waiting for the will power to get back on.  I hate struggling with my weight like this.

Hope you all have a great Monday!



  1. 8 lbs is awesome! WAY TO GO MY LITTLE MEATBALL!
    That trigger looks like it's going away pretty fast! FX for you, love :)

  2. WOW! 8lbs is great!!! Keep up the good work! :)

    I hope AF is NOT coming! Fingers crossed!
