Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Calling It

My trigger tested out completely today.  At 12dpo I'm going to go ahead and call this cycle a BFN.  I go for my beta on Thursday so we will be able to move on to a new cycle after that.  I really hate taking progesterone and having to wait until beta to stop it.  It takes a few days for AF to come after I stop it and just prolongs a failed cycle.

I really have nothing else to update so I'm cutting it short today.  Hope you all have a great day!



  1. Dont give up hope yet, I was reading another blog and the same thing happend then the line came back so maybe that will happen for you, prayers for you!

    1. It was Kristy's here is the link...there's still hope! http://kristykay123.blogspot.com/2012/12/cd27-trigger-has-left-building.html

  2. I hope your wrong and get the best beta ever! Sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes!

  3. Awww, L!!! I so hope you are wrong!!

    Lots of hugs your way!

  4. So sorry. :( I'm at the same point in my cycle and it definitely sucks.

  5. Ugh I'm sorry L! I know what you mean about the progesterone. It makes me like a zombie and puts me to sleep!

    I hope you're wrong - you're always in my prayers!

  6. Hey I nominated you for a blog award :D Check out my blog for details!
