Friday, September 28, 2012

The Things We Can Not Say

This topic is a constant battle for people going through IF.  Biting your tongue when someone will not stop talking about their pregnancy or children.  For me, let's get a little more specific.  About 7 girls on my facebook have announced their pregnancy in the past two months.  So as you can imagine my news feed is not short of daily updates on the status of their utes. Here are my problems with facebook and pregnancy:

1. When I see someone announce before the pee stick is even dry I just cringe.  Knowing how fragile a pregnancy is in the first trimester I get so nervous for these girls.  I hate that I think this way, but I always pray for them that nothing goes wrong because they have already put it out there.  I've watched several friends do this then lose the baby only to have the pain worsen by explaining the loss multiple times.  It is not a good idea to announce your pregnancy so early ladies!

2.  My cousin just announced her pregnancy only 5 weeks into it and literally every day is complaining about a new symptom.  It is taking all my strength not to comment on her post.  Nothing pisses me off more than hearing women complain non-stop about something I would kill to have!  I know they do not know my struggle, but you'd think she'd have one good thing to say about being pregnant!  I'm going to avoid her at all cost in real life.

3.  The girl who updates us daily on what her baby (she is only 7 weeks pregnant) wants to eat today.  "Baby want cereal and now!"  "Baby LOVES pasta!" and on and on and on.  Really?  Have you never read a pregnancy book in your entire life.  Do you really believe your baby is craving that food?  Shut up you flucking idiot!

I know I could just hide them on the new feed, but I'm nervous if something happens or when they have the baby I won't see it to congratulate them on facebook and look like a bad cousin because that has already happened once.

Whew! Glad I got that out of my system.  I'm so grateful for my bump girls that know what I'm going through.  I have no idea what I would do without y'all!


1 comment:

  1. So so true! I feel the exact same way with all the pregnancies on my FB.
