Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Change of Plans

Last week I got a call from my RE.  She just confirmed what I already knew that my HSG came back normal.  Then she told me how she knows this wasn't our plan, but she would like to see how I respond to letrozole before doing an IUI with it.  She said E's SA is not one she considers IUI to be necessary.  So basically she wants to see if we can get KU without spending the money on an IUI.  We could wait until January to start any treatments at all, but she suggests starting with Letrozole alone.

For those who don't know, Letrozole is an ovary stimulating drug to help ovulate.  It seems I ovulate on my own so from what I understand this will help make eggs more mature or possible ovulate more than one to help with our odds.

I discussed it with E and he said "Let's do it!".  He also thinks this is a good plan.  So starting next cycle, which is probably about two weeks away, I will start Letrozole and Progesterone since mine is on the low side.  I'm so excited to be starting a treatment sooner than January!

I have a really good feeling about this and everything crossed that it works for me!!!



  1. Yay for a plan! I'm glad your HSG came back clear. FX for you this cycle :)

  2. I am SOOOO freaking excited for you! This sounds like a fantastic plan! Way to keep a girl waiting in suspense as well! Can't wait to stalk you next cycle! xoxoxoxo!

  3. This sounds really exciting! FX for you! I love reading your story. Your E reminds me a lot of my F. :)
