Monday, September 24, 2012

Addition to our home

Well, this weekend was an interesting one.  I'm not sure I've really discussed my in-laws too much on here since it is a sensitive subject for me.  About a year ago or so my sister in law and I got into a huge fight, I mean HUGE, and we've been trying to rebuild our relationship since.  We are very different in that I am super sensitive, emotional, and wear my heart on my sleeve.  She is very strong, does not act like much bothers her, and a little guarded.  Anyway, she has come to live with us while she starts the process of divorce. 

This was is a big deal for us because we are so used to it being just the two of us, but it's family.  I would never in a million years turn away family.  Plus, I'm hoping this will maybe mend our relationship and make us closer.  I have extreme anxiety about it all and I just need lots and lots of prayers for her and for me.  I love her very much and just hope E and I can help her get through this rough time.

Also, I have to update you on the baby making plan since it has changed (for the better), but I'll leave that for my next post!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the inlaws dear. I know it's not easy. I don't have a good relationship with my SIL at all. I'm not sure I could be as nice as you. You are such a good person for that!

    GAH! I feel like you're keeping me in suspense! I'm dying to know the baby plan! I can't wait for the next post!<3
