Wednesday, December 19, 2012

CD12 - 1dp trigger

Today is 1 day past my trigger.  I just realized that we should know if this cycle was successful or not right before New Year's.  So I will either be ringing in the new year with A LOT of champagne or hopefully be drinking mocktails because I'll be KU.  Oh God please let it be the second one!

I decided to test out my trigger so here is 1 day past:

Even though the shot didn't hurt at all to administer, today the injection spot is really sore.  Ouch!  I really hope the trigger leaves my system quickly so it won't mess with my mind.  I don't know if anyone else that has triggered had  this thought, but I thought about how sad it would be if the only time I ever see a positive pregnancy test would be from a trigger.  I have so many mixed feelings from this crazy cycle so far.



  1. Yay for your first trigger. I'm sure you did great because it definitely is there on the stick.

    Hugs!!! I hope this is it for you! Praying for a baby meatball.

  2. FX that your trigger leaves quickly and you have an amazing new year surprise! =D
