Monday, July 16, 2012

Giving Myself a Break

For now, I think I have decided to stop charting my temps.  I think since we have decided to spend the next few months getting healthy and lowering our stress, I'm going to let go of obsessing over each temp or each OPK test.  I'm such a control freak so we will see how long this last! 

Also, this blog may take a little detour for a while.  I'm still going to update on anything TTC related, but I may try to blog about the other aspects of my life as well.  You should expect to see reviews on beauty products, fitness related posts, and anything worth telling in my personal life. 



  1. Good for you girl! I'm thinking about taking next month off too (from temping) if I'm not KU. I've started running again, just trying to focus on other things..than my empty ute!

    Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  2. FX that you will be KTFU and you can quit temping! It's sometimes hard to give up the control of knowing what your body is doing, but mentally you have to do it sometimes.
