Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Next Step

Let me give you the little back story of my experience with my OB so far.  First, we had E do an SA in May.  My OB's office called and said everything looked normal with 60 million count with 49% motility.  I took her word for it and was on my way happy as could be.  When I saw her a couple days ago I asked to see the SA.  On there it said he had a 3% morphology which was also marked as abnormal.  Why hadn't she disclosed this to me?!  She said he made up for the morphology with his count.  Strike one.

Then, she told me she wanted me to go on Clomid.  I made sure to ask her if I would be monitored and she said yes.  Apparently what she meant by monitoring was drawing my blood and not the ultrasounds as I had meant.  Strike two.

So today I get a call from my OB's office letting me know that they got back my progesterone level and it was normal.  I asked what the number was.  She said, "Umm looks like it's at 3.5 which is normal".  From all the research I've ever done I know this is way too low.  Then she said, "you will probably ovulate soon".  I explained to her I was 9dpo at the time of the test and that 3.5 is way too low considering my last blood draw when I was not on Clomid was 13.5.  She only had the explanation of "well Dr. so and so says that is normal".  That was strike three for me.

I'm done with her.  E and I decided there is no way I will continue taking Clomid unmonitored especially when it looks like I already O on my own.  I feel so stupid and like she got one over on me.  I immediately started searching for an RE after getting off the phone with them.  We now have a consultation set for July 12th.  Both E and I are very settled and happy with this decision.  If there is a problem we want to treat it, not just throw the first drug she can think of at it.  I'm disappointed in how this has all gone down, but I'm happy we've taken the next step.  We have also decided to focus a lot more on our health and enjoying just being the two of us for now.  We were getting way too wrapped up in TTC that we left a few important things behind.


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