Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Quick update

I have to make this quick and run, but yesterday I went in for my monitoring appointment with my RE.  It's clear that we will have to start scheduling these earlier in my cycle if this month doesn't work out because I O'd the same day I went in.  She said I had a very large follie and one a bit smaller than that ready to go.  Most likely I only had one follie make it though.  Yesterday after my appointment I had O pains which the only time I've ever had those was yesterday and the cycle I was on Clomid.  Interesting.  I also got a positive OPK yesterday evening.

This morning my temp spiked, but I still had a positive OPK this morning as well.  I go in for blood work on Monday so I'm praying my progesterone is at a normal level for a medicated cycle.

Also, E says he feels really good about this cycle and thinks this is it.  I hope his intuition is right!  But, he said if this cycle doesn't work out he is ready to move on to IUI!  I think he is getting tired of waiting and just ready to be aggressive with it.  I'm really happy that we are finally on the same page with treatment.  But here is hoping we don't have to do anymore!! 

I just found out my acupuncturist is closing down her community style sessions and only doing private so I am moving to a new practice after this month.  I'm so sad to stop seeing her, but I need the prices that only community style can offer. 

Now let's all pray the sperm finds the egg this cycle!!



  1. That is soooo exciting about E! I wish you the best this cycle (will be stalking your ute!) but that's so amazing to hear he's ready to move on if this isn't it!

    Swim sperm SWIM! :D

  2. WOOOO!! YAY. I love this post! This is all so exciting!!! I really really hope this is your cycle!!! FX for sperm and egg party!! LOL <3

  3. You both are so sweet! Thank you for all the encouragement, I need it more than you know!!
