Monday, October 29, 2012

Blog Award!

The sweet Alexis at Our Journey Through This Lovely Life has nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award! 

Here are the questions she gave me:

1. Do you remember your Dreams? Most of them I do.  I have very vivid dreams as well.  The craziest part is that a lot of times my dreams are what I consider "premonitions".  They usually end up happening.
2. What was the last thing you bought? Besides groceries, I bought a pair of yellow/goldish skinny jeans for Vandy games. :)
3. Is the glass half empty or half full? Depends on the day lol.  Today half full!
4. What's under your bed? Space saver bags full of winter clothes I need to pull out, a couple small suitcases, and bin with my flat shoes in them.
5. Have you ever won the lottery? I think I won $7 dollars a few months ago.
6.  Are you a morning person or a night owl? Probably more of a night owl.
7. text or phone call? Phone call.  A lot of time when my friends text me I just call them back to answer. 
8. Do you sing in the shower? Not usually.  I blare music though ;)
9. If you could change something about your home with out
 worrying about expense or mess what would it be? So many things!  First would be all hardwood floors.  We have about 50% of our home in carpet and I hate it.  I'm so grossed out by carpet.
10. Do you blog for yourself or for your followers?  It started out just for myself so I could document this whole journey I'm on with IF, but now I think if someone going through the same thing can benefit from it I would love it.  Dealing with IF can feel lonely sometimes so it's nice to know someone has been in your shoes and is there for you.  I'd like to be that person for someone.
11. Why did you start blogging?  To document my IF journey and to get out how I'm feeling.
Now for my own nominations!:
-Sabrina at Free Aire
-Nicole at In Nic's Mind
Here are my questions for you:
1. What is an interesting fact about yourself no one would know?
2. What do you do in your spare time?
3. What one thing are you most proud of?
4. If you had unlimited money for one week, how would you spend it?
5. Where is your favorite vacation spot?
6. What is the most daring thing you've ever done?
7. Who influences you the most?
8. What one thing confuses you the most about your husband?
9. What is your most favorite meal?
10. What was the last law you broke?
11. If you had to wear one color forever, what would it be?
(Copy and past the questions then answer them, nominate fellow bloggers with less than 200 followers 
make sure to save the photo above to use when you post about your award)


  1. Thank you! I'll post this on my blog now!

  2. Awww, thank you! I will try to post this today. Maybe I will get more followers. ;) Thanks, girl!
