Thursday, October 18, 2012


Most people seem to dread the time between ovulation and your period (2ww), but not me.  I find that to be the least stressful time in a cycle.  You've done all you can do and now you just sit and wait for a BFP or AF to show.  That time seems to go by pretty fast for me. 
What I really hate is the time leading up to ovulation.  It feels like time is slowly creeping by.  Everyday you are drinking green tea, lots of water, and some drink POM juice (yuck).  You are peeing on ovulation predictor tests twice a day and of course checking for all signs of O.  This stresses me out big time!  Especially being on a medicated cycle I'm not exactly sure when O will come for sure.  I usually O on CD16, but who knows if it will change this month?!  I'm always worried our timing won't be perfect.  So sex-a-thon starts today.  I try every other day until I get a positive OPK then everyday, but I still always wonder if that is good enough. 
So as you can see waiting and watching for something to come and hoping you're doing everything perfectly is very stressful! 
But I'm feeling very optimistic about this cycle so far so I'm keeping my fingers crossed this will work!

On another note, we had household changes again.  My SIL moved out yesterday due to disagreements between her and E.  She is very mad at him right now, but he did nothing wrong.  He is worried for her and looking out for her best interest.  She is not really one to take responsibility for her own actions and constantly makes herself the victim.  I hate to see them at odds, but I know it is what is best for all of us right now.  Hopefully with our home being just to the two of us again my stress level will go down dramatically.

Hope you all have a lovely day!



  1. fingers crossed for you! Check out preseed at the store too if you haven't already :) Lots of luck!!!

    1. Thank you! We have been using preseed externally for a while now. I'm wondering if I should start using it with the applicator internally though....

  2. I'm sure less stress will be a good thing for you, at least mentally. It sucks when family members are at odds but you have to do what you believe is right. =/
    Good luck on your sex-capades. FX that everything goes smoothly for you. I wish I could have you zen like peace during the 2WW. Is there anything special that you do besides just knowing you have done all that you could?
    I have also found that adding sprite or gingerale to pom makes it easier to drink. DH loves pom straight so I have to battle him when I buy it because he would drink it all and that stuff is expensive. I love green tea (publix brand) so I just buy a gallon jug and drink it.

    1. I don't know why, but I've always been calm during the 2ww. I don't do anything to keep me calm in particular. I'll have to look for green tea by the gallon next time I go shopping. That would be a lot easier then making it every day!
