Monday, October 15, 2012

CD 6

Tomorrow is my last day of Letrozole.  I literally have no side effects which makes me almost wonder how could this little pill even help?  Just like anyone else TTC I have have so many mixed emotions during the day.  I start out thinking it will never work then end up feeling like this is totally going to work.  I feel like a nut case!  Here is the magic little pill:

Also, I started drinking green tea and temping again.  I think my BBT is dying a slow death so I'm worried my temps will be all over the place as they clearly already are. 

Yesterday, my yoga teacher pulled me aside to talk to me about my acne.  Yes, I have dealt with horrible acne since my early teens and nothing has ever helped it.  I have tried almost everything!  Now that I'm TTC there are very few things I can use that are safe.  He pulled me aside to let me know he had dealt with the same thing and the only thing that helped was cutting out dairy.  Apparently some people have a dairy allergy that causes acne.  So I've decided to give it a try.  You'd be surprised how many things you eat have dairy in them!  This will be a struggle, but if I get good results I promise to do a before and after photo. 



  1. Girl I know what you mean about the acne. I struggle with it so much! I hope you find some relief!

    I can't wait to hear how the drug works! I'm praying that it works and gets you those twins! I'm sooo excited for you!

  2. I can't wait to hear the updates on cutting out dairy. I hope it helps you! I know I couldn't do it! :)

    I am glad you aren't suffering any side effects! FX that it is working magic on you!!!
