Monday, September 17, 2012

This is going to sound crazy....

But what would be the difference from all my other posts! Ha!  This story starts back last year at Octoberfest.  E and I had just started trying for a baby and had no clue what was in store for us.  I walked by this psychic reading table and thought I'd see what she had to say.  She was a beautiful Egyptian woman that was so sweet and made me feel so at peace.  She kept hitting the nail on the head with everything she said!  She described by grandfather perfectly, my personality, things between E and I that only we know, etc.  It was insane! At the end of it she said, "I know you are trying for a family, but you need to know that I see trouble in the area for you.  You need to see a specialist.  It's nothing big at all, but you need to see a doctor.  However, I see you pregnant with twins in just over a year.  One is a boy and one is a girl". By the end of the reading I was teary just because of what she knew about my feelings and my grandfather who I miss dearly, but I was skeptical about the fertility part since I had no previous gyno issues.

Fast forward about a year, I have been trying to find this girl for a while now since we did end up having trouble getting pregnant and I could not find her anywhere!  Until this weekend.  I was walking at the fair and basically ran into her booth!  I thought "oh my God, this is meant to be."  I did not tell her that I spoke with her last year.  She did another reading for me and knew about E going back to school, where I am with my job now, the status of my in-laws relationship with me and she said "You have had no luck getting pregnant yet, but the next 2-3 months I see a pregnancy for you.  It is a twin pregnancy with a boy and a girl".  Seriously?!  Again, the same prediction. 

Now I am not saying I put a lot of stock in psychics.  I think they are fun and interesting.  I have gone to quite a few, but never has anyone known what this lady knows.  Now all I can do is pray she is right about the next 2-3 months.  I don't necessarily want twins, but I'll take anything God brings my way!  I hate to say it, but she did help make me optimistic (at least for the next few months)!  Oh and a pic of us from the fair.



  1. OMG - you and I might be BFF's soon. Seriously. I had a reading done randomly recently too. It was part of a bridal shower I was and they hired this woman to come in do readings as something different. Apparently she is really well known. She told me that I would be having a girl and that I would concieve before the end of this year! She said that she knows I'm frustrated (she also knew about my M/C - she didn't say it in front of the group - she said something to me about it later when she pulled me aside!) but that to keep trying as my time is soon! I don't put much stock into those things either but I felt like it maybe gave me a glimmer of home! I would LOVE to and be honored to share our journey to motherhood on the same BMB. Extra prayers for both of us - and hopefully limited tears! xoxoxoxoxo

  2. That is so wonderful!! FX our psychics know what they are talking about! And FX for the same BMB!!!
