Monday, September 10, 2012


I have this reoccurring dream (as I'm sure most women who are TTC do) that I wake up, take a test and it's positive.  Then I take like six more and they are all positive.  I feel surprised, shocked, excited, and all the other emotions that go along with it. 

And then I wake up.

It's such torture that my mind does to me.  I want to feel those feelings in real life.  I want to see a positive test just once!  I'm so scared the only place I'll ever see a positive test and have those feelings is in my dreams.

It's been a rough IF week.  I swear about 7 girls announced their pregnancies on facebook last week.  I had to remind a close friend that what I'm going through is private and I do not wish for her to share my story with random people that say they went through IF as well.  The same friend sends me multiple invites to baby clothing websites.  I know she has no ill intentions whatsoever, but it is insensitive nonetheless.

On another note,  I am really close to buying my first baby item.  I haven't up until now because I thought it might jinx me or something like that, but I really want to have this ready when I finally do get a BFP.

E is majorly obsessed with BMW's and of course we have owned a few by now so I think this is fitting!


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