Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Poor Ute!

HSG is done and my tubes are clear!  However, my ute wants to punch me in the face for getting this test done.  That was about the worst pain I have felt in a long time.  It hurt a little as they put the tube in, but once the dye started going in I about lost it.  I screamed, yelled, and even threw a few F bombs out there to make things really interesting at 9 in the morning in a dr's office.  I almost fainted so the nurse put cold rags on my face to help.  Fun stuff kids!

This is what the images from a normal HSG would look like (this is not my image though):

You can see how the dye runs out of the tubes showing them clear. 

So now we are done with testing and just trying on our own for the next few months.  We have October, November and December to make this baby happen naturally!  September is already a bust since E will be away on business. 



  1. I am so sorry it hurt so badly! But YAY for the clear ute!!! That's fantastic news!

    FX for us the next few months! Remind me again why are you waiting until the New Year for IUI? Is it insurance? I swear you told me, I just can't remember!

  2. Thanks chica! We made a pact to stop recreational drinking and smoking, E to give up his workout supplements and me to give up caffiene for three months. For E, this is how he can cope with moving on to IUI. If he knows he gave it his best shot naturally he is okay with moving on. I'm ready right now, but it's what he needs and I can respect that.

  3. That sounds like a really good plan! I wish I could say that we were strong enough to do that. We could probably give up everything but the wine (esp. with the holidays coming up) and caffiene (that's me). I have to have my ONE cup of coffee every morning. I might consider this heavily next month though if this cycle is a bust. I'm thinking of you! <3
