Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week 12 and NT Scan

Such a monumental week in our eyes.  Every week is such a blessing, but this one really was a big one for us.

First, we went public.  This is the pic we posted on Facebook:

I couldn't believe all the sweet comments we got on there!  I felt really exposed, but there is no going back now!

Then, we had our NT Scan.  When we got there the tech said my bladder wasn't full enough and baby was acting like a psycho so she needed me to go back out to the waiting room.  Apparently for this test they need baby to be nice and lazy.  Mine was jumping all around and having a party in there.  So I drank a bottle and a half of water and was almost in tears with how bad I had to pee!!  We went back in and my bladder was then too full so I had to go let half of it out.  Yes that is pure torture when you just want to let it all out.  Anyway, it took some jiggling and coughing, but finally baby behaved and we got the pics the doctor needed.  Everything looked perfect and within normal range.

I did find out my placenta is attached to the back so she said I should be able to feel the baby move more easily. 

Have a wonderful week!!


  1. Yay for going public and a great n/t scan. I loved the FB picture. So cute.

    Sorry you had to go through all that trouble with your bladder. Ugh, torture.

  2. So awesome! Hope you're feeling well!

  3. Yay! What a cute FB picture! Congrats on a great NT!

  4. So happy for you, your hubby and your little baby :) Glad to hear everything is going well. Sounds like torture to empty only half of your over full bladder!

  5. Awwww! How adorable! I love your announcement picture. Congrats on hitting 12 weeks. You look so cute in your bump pic. =)

  6. Sooooo amazing!! What an adorable ultrasound pic!!!! :D & HAPPY 12 weeks!!!
