Monday, July 1, 2013

9weeks 1day

And we have made it to another glorious week!  For some reason when I first found out I was pregnant I kept telling myself if I could just make it to 9 weeks I would feel so much better about this pregnancy.  Truth is, I don't think I'll ever stop worrying about this baby even when it's 50.

So on Friday my Doppler came in the mail.  I tried to find the heartbeat for a while, got frustrated, took a nap, and then tried again.  After five min I found baby's heartbeat.  I don't think the Doppler was picking up the number correctly and I lost it toward the end of this video, but I'm so happy I found it!!  But, since Friday I have tried a few times and can't find it.  I'm hoping that baby is just hiding in there and I have nothing to worry about. 

I jumped the gun maybe a little and already booked my gender scan! I'm so excited about it too!!  On August 17th my parents will be coming in town from MO, we will go to the ultrasound (making sure the tech doesn't tell us the sex), then have a gender reveal party that evening with friends and family.  I have so many ideas for the party and can't wait to share them with you.

Everyone keeps asking me what I think I'm having and I have no clue!  I hope that is normal to not have any intuition at all about it lol.  E thinks 100% that it is a girl.  I guess we will see on August 17th!



  1. Congrats on the 9 week mark!!

  2. Wow you were able to find the heartbeat at 9 weeks with the doppler?? that is awesome!

  3. Yay for HB on the doppler. Best feeling ever. :) I can't wait for your reveal ideas! I plan to do a small reveal party.
    Happy 9 weeks!

  4. Hey Girl!!! That wipe deal is back on! Hurry! xo
