Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week 12 and NT Scan

Such a monumental week in our eyes.  Every week is such a blessing, but this one really was a big one for us.

First, we went public.  This is the pic we posted on Facebook:

I couldn't believe all the sweet comments we got on there!  I felt really exposed, but there is no going back now!

Then, we had our NT Scan.  When we got there the tech said my bladder wasn't full enough and baby was acting like a psycho so she needed me to go back out to the waiting room.  Apparently for this test they need baby to be nice and lazy.  Mine was jumping all around and having a party in there.  So I drank a bottle and a half of water and was almost in tears with how bad I had to pee!!  We went back in and my bladder was then too full so I had to go let half of it out.  Yes that is pure torture when you just want to let it all out.  Anyway, it took some jiggling and coughing, but finally baby behaved and we got the pics the doctor needed.  Everything looked perfect and within normal range.

I did find out my placenta is attached to the back so she said I should be able to feel the baby move more easily. 

Have a wonderful week!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

11weeks 3days

We are nearing the end of what I and my doctor consider the first trimester!  There are so many different calculations on what is the end of a first trimester that I just decided to ask my doctor and go with her opinion.

I am so happy that I can now find baby's heartbeat immediately every time I try with our home Doppler.  Sometimes I listen to reassure myself, but mostly I listen just to have that connection with the baby.  I have been feeling pretty good lately.  The fatigue is still there, but my boobs don't hurt as much and the morning sickness is gone!  In one month we will find out if this baby is a he or a she!!  I get butterflies in my stomach when I think about it!!

I am still in all my regular clothing thank goodness!  If I wear jeans I do need the assistance of a hair tie to keep them closed, but I'm holding out until our vacation at the end of August before I buy any maternity bottoms.

But I did make one big baby buy yesterday.  I found this City Select stroller brand new for a steal on Craigslist!  I couldn't get out there so my sweet BFF ran out to meet the guy and buy it for me until I could meet up with her that afternoon.  I'm really excited about it!  E was super hesitant as I don't think he realizes there is truly going to be a baby here in about six months.  He might be in a mild state of denial lol.  But once I got it home he got really excited too.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

10weeks 4days

Holy hell we are in the double digits!!!! 

I think I need to start taking these pics in the morning before I'm so bloated from all my meals during the day.

We went to our first OB appointment yesterday.  We absolutely love our OB!!  She was amazing!  I got the normal pap, blood work, and peed in a cup.  Then we went for the ultrasound.  Baby is so much bigger!!  What we saw in person was a lot more detailed than these pics.  We could see the fingers, toes, that baby made little fists over it's face and had it's legs drawn up crossed.  Seriously so freaking cute!!

We have our NT Scan in two weeks and I plan to go public on July 22nd!! 


Monday, July 1, 2013

9weeks 1day

And we have made it to another glorious week!  For some reason when I first found out I was pregnant I kept telling myself if I could just make it to 9 weeks I would feel so much better about this pregnancy.  Truth is, I don't think I'll ever stop worrying about this baby even when it's 50.

So on Friday my Doppler came in the mail.  I tried to find the heartbeat for a while, got frustrated, took a nap, and then tried again.  After five min I found baby's heartbeat.  I don't think the Doppler was picking up the number correctly and I lost it toward the end of this video, but I'm so happy I found it!!  But, since Friday I have tried a few times and can't find it.  I'm hoping that baby is just hiding in there and I have nothing to worry about. 

I jumped the gun maybe a little and already booked my gender scan! I'm so excited about it too!!  On August 17th my parents will be coming in town from MO, we will go to the ultrasound (making sure the tech doesn't tell us the sex), then have a gender reveal party that evening with friends and family.  I have so many ideas for the party and can't wait to share them with you.

Everyone keeps asking me what I think I'm having and I have no clue!  I hope that is normal to not have any intuition at all about it lol.  E thinks 100% that it is a girl.  I guess we will see on August 17th!
