Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6weeks 3days

So I'm about three days late on this one, but oh well.  I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be counting weeks based on my LMP or what the baby is measuring.  For now I'll stick with the date from my LMP until someone tells me otherwise.

The way I look in this pic pretty much sums up how I feel.  I am exhausted, nauseous, bloated, and my boobs hate me.  I have no energy to do anything it seems!  I'm thankful for each and every symptom I get though.  If you love me you won't judge me without makeup here lol

I'm so anxious for next Thursday!  I'm just praying everyday that when we go in there will be a strong heartbeat!



  1. YAY for an update! You look great! :)

  2. So cute!! I was hoping you were still doing well :) Can't wait for the next update!!

  3. You are looking great! The chalkboard is adorable.

  4. Great update pic! I never know to go by how far along I am measuring or my LMP due date either! They are about 5 days off from each other.

  5. Yayyyy! I love seeing these updates!!
