Monday, April 22, 2013

A decision has been made

During date night with E this weekend we started talking about his job and how he is ready to pursue something more with possibly a new company.  One of the reason's he has stayed with his current job is because of our insurance coverage and how it really is covering a lot more than we expected.  So because he is very ready to move on with his career, he wants to jump back into IF treatment immediately.  Basically the idea is, we need this coverage for a few of the IUI realated things that are being covered (much to our surprise).  So let's move forward with IUI's.  If it works then great he can start looking for new work options, if it does not work then he will know he needs to stick around until next year when full IF coverage will be given to us for IVF.

E says he has just been waiting on me to be ready to go back into treatment, but wanted to explain his opinion on it to me.  My feelings are that I don't want him to feel tied to his job because of insurance, but let's get real, any coverage is a blessing and it's worth doing whatever we have to do to have it.  And even though this is a little sooner than I planned, I'm really excited to give it a try again!  I am very nervous about being disappointed and going back to that dark place I was in a few months ago though.  So a lot of mixed emotions, but our overall goal is to start a family so it's time to move forward. 

We will both be traveling a lot in May so June will be our first IUI!!!!  



  1. I am so happy to hear you are jumping back in! I will be here rooting you on!! Have a fabulous week! :)

  2. How exciting! That's a big decision to make, I hope June comes quickly for you! :)

  3. This must be such an exciting time for both of you! I'll be cheering you on! :)
