Thursday, January 10, 2013

New DX

Yesterday we had our monitoring appointment.  I was so worried with me O'ing early that my body would not be ready for it.  Turns out I have one follie on the right at 21mm and my lining is at 9!  I was thrilled to hear that.  

Also, I finally got some answers from my RE.  She is horrible at articulating what is going on with you.  It's like she understands it all, but fails to explain everything to her patient.  We knew we were going for a second opinion anyway so we decided to really ask her a ton of question regardless of how uncomfortable it got. Boy am I glad we did that!  She showed me the ultrasound of the little cysts all over my ovary and explained what all my blood work meant.  Finally she said you have PCOS and that is why I'm am doing the treatment I am with you.  She even said "there is a method to my madness", which to me means she knows we don't trust her. lol.  Anyway, she really spoke to us in detail about the medications I'm taking and how they work in your body to achieve the outcome we are wanting.

She is still a strange duck, but I like her a little more after yesterday.  So even though you wouldn't think hearing that something is wrong with you is a good thing, I feel so so so relieved!  I'm so happy we are no longer in the "unexplained" category.  Now we know what is wrong and we know how to move forward (not blindly).   I triggered yesterday and am just doing TI this cycle.  Today should be O day!



  1. WOW! I am sorry you have PCOS but I am glad you are out of the unexplained category. I can tell you feel some relief on that. I would too.

    I like your saying "strange duck". lol

    FX for this cycle!!! :)

  2. Great Follie!!! and Nice think lining!! :D Praying for the sperm to find that egg!!!
