Thank you to Alexis over at
Our Journey Through This Lovely Life for nominating me for the Liebster Award. This award is given to new or up-and coming-bloggers who have less that 200 followers. I know I did this a while back, but let's just do it again for fun!
If you are nominated you need to answer my 11 questions I post on here then nominate your own bloggers to answer 11 questions you come up with .
Questions from Alexis:
1. Have you ever had stitches?: If you count stitches from having my wisdom teeth removed
2. Do you make a wish at 11:11? Oh for sure! I make a wish at any superstitious event.
3. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yes. I saw one just the other night and when there is a meteor shower E and I will go to "star parties" where a bunch of astrology geeks get out their big telescopes and watch the sky.
4. Beach or Snow Covered Mountains? Beach! I hate being cold.
5. High Heels or Flats? This is a tough one. I have a ton of gorgeous heels because they are so pretty, but they hate feet. So most of the time I wear flats unless it's a special event.
6. Dress or Pants?: Either one is fine with me. I'm comfy in both.
7. Do you color your hair? If yes, how many colors have you had your hair?: I do. I'm a dirty blonde naturally, but I like to be Dolly Parton Blonde. I have only had my hair many shades of blondes and once dark brunette.
8. What was your favorite class in school?: I went to a very small school so during my high school "gym" period, the teacher let me instruct my own yoga class for the girls. I loved teaching it and wish I still kept up with my yoga more.
9. Do you remember your dreams?: Yes, and it's actually kind of freaky, but a lot of my dreams turn into reality. Most of what I dream will happen shortly after I dream about it. Even in other's lives.
10. Do you dream in color or black and white? Always in color
11. What is your favorite past time?: Lately it has been watching episodes of Revenge all cuddled in bed. But usually I like to work out.
My Questions for my nominees:
1. What irks you the most about your job?
2. What is your favorite smell?
3. Overused phrase?
4. Best workout machine in the gym?
5. Favorite skin care line?
6. Do you know any other languages?
7. When was the last time you went to a nightclub?
8. Advice you'd give your 16 year old self?
9. Best TV series and why?
10. Which celeb inspires you?
11. Words of encouragement for someone having trouble conceiving?
My Nominees!!