Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm back bishes!

I'm finally ready to come out of my hiatus.  I just really needed a break.  Sometimes you just can't bring yourself to keep talking about the shitty IF journey you are in.  I feel better now and refreshed!

So let me update you on last month.  We did 2.5mg of Femera and timed intercourse.  My progesterone came back at 9.something.  After she said 9 I was so let down I didn't even hear the last part of it.  So RE decided to put me on progesterone suppositories which are disgusting!  They are these little pink balls that I have to put up inside me every 12 hours.  On top of being messy they make me feel like crap.  I have been tired, nauseous, headaches, sore body, etc.  It is not the best thing I've experienced.  Then that brings us to today.  I had my beta this morning.  Just got the call that it was negative.  Pretty much what I expected, but still stings. 

So I'm waiting to hear back on an appointment with RE to see what the game plan is going forward.  Here is how I feel today:



  1. It's about time! :P
    I'm so sorry about the BFN, love. Super big hugs! I hope this next cycle kicks some infertility ass!

  2. YAY Your BACK!! Boo for pink ball inserts!! but hopefully it will do the trick!!! fingers crossed for you!

  3. Welcome back! Hope your mini break helped re-energize you! Sorry about your bfn! Stay positive!! Hugs!

  4. So sorry for your BFN :-( Keep us posted on ur plan of action. I decided to wait til January for the next attempt at the ovidrel, timed intercourse and Crinone (the yucky stuff, and I think the worst part lol) Im also considering Clomid just because I hear a lot about it. I totally feel like I am a science project at this point lol.
