Today was my SHG. After all the research I did on this procedure I really thought it might be uncomfortable, but did not expect it to hurt so much! I don't think I'm in the majority with my experience though. RE said the nerve endings in my cervix must be really sensitive for it to hurt that much. I literally thought I was going to vomit it hurt so bad. Once the catheter was in and the fluid was running the pain went away. My ovaries looked good with a nice size follicle on the right side. Uterine lining was normal. RE said both tubes seem to be open. And then the bad news..... They found a polyp in my uterus that looks suspicious. She is having it reviewed by another RE and Surgeon, but surgery to remove it looks inevitable. She does think it might be a cause to why we haven't gotten pregnant. So I should hear back on the surgery next Thursday to see when it will be done.
Okay now for E's 2nd SA results. Morphology went WAYYY up!!! No real explanation for it either. It just is. I am so happy about this even with the downside. His motility went down a bit and so did concentration. RE thinks with a better diet and vitamins we can improve this on our own. However, right now as it stands we are in the perfect range for an IUI.
I was also very happy that my RE agrees with our plan. First, get this polyp removed. Second, lose weight and get in shape. Then we will have a good foundation to start treatments with. Diet starts Monday!
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