Monday, January 6, 2014

36 Weeks

I finally feel like I'm really in the home stretch now.  This week we start our weekly OB appointments and to me that means there really could be a baby anytime.  Although, my gut tells me I will still be sitting here pregnant on my due date.  Again, nothing new to report.  Baby still feels like he is hanging out in my rib cage except for the occasional bump to my cervix which hurts like a little knife going through it.  All the physical symptoms are still the same as the previous weeks.

I've been super emotional lately.  I'm just overwhelmed with how grateful I am that my body has been able to carry this little boy.  I'm so grateful we were chosen to be his parents.  Sometimes when you are in the midst of getting ready for a baby and pregnant I think I have shoved my IF days in the back of my mind.  But I will never forget what it was like to go through that.  I will never forget thinking this day would never come.  So many days I had lost hope, but this pregnancy has shown me to keep having faith even when it's the size of a mustard seed.  I plan on really enjoying the next few weeks of pregnancy.  Really enjoying each little roll and nudge from my baby.  I don't want to forget what this feels like. 
